June Plant Walk 2024

Fyke Events and Field Trips

Please register with the leader to facilitate planning and to enable last-minute communication about any changes or cancellation on account of the weather. Beginners are welcome.

March 8, 2025, Saturday, 6:00 PM

Woodcocks at Dusk

Woodcock Woodcock

Meet at the end of Halifax Road in Mahwah for a chance to see the dramatic courtship display of these otherwise reclusive birds. What we hope to witness goes something like this:

First, male woodcocks utter a distinctive one-note peent call with a buzzy, nasal quality. They then flutter high into the air and circle repeatedly, allowing the rushing air to rise in a winnowing whistle as it passes over their wings. To finish off, they acrobatically descend back to the very same spot they took off from and repeat the process in the hopes of attracting a female.

There are no guarantees in birding, but with luck you will have a memorable experience. Contact Mike Limatola mike.limatola@gmail.com to let him know to expect you. Rain date Sunday, March 9

March 28, 2025, Friday

73rd Anniversay of the Fyke Founding Organizational Meeting in 1952

April 5, 2024, Saturday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Annual Spring Celery Farm Cleanup

The winter snow melt reveals what has been left behind by certain visitors or blown in or carried down the flooded Allendale Broook. Many hands make light work. Meet at the end of Green Way.

Bring gloves and a tool if you have one to assist in grabbing and picking up trash, such as a rake, broom handle with a nail at the end, or grabbers. Garbage bags will be provided. Contact Mike Limatola mike.limatola@gmail.com to let him know you are coming. Rain date Sunday, April 6.

April 19, 2024, Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Discover the Plants of the Celery Farm

Trout Lily Trout Lilies

Enjoy finding early spring wildflowers and other plants. Meet at the end of Green Way.

Mike Lefebvre is a naturalist who has led Plant ID Walks and Talks for the Fyke Nature Association, Friends of the Bonsal Preserve (Montclair) the Friends of the NJ School of Conservation (Stokes State Forest) and Bergen County Audubon Society. He is the Publicity Chairperson for the Fyke Nature Association and currently working as a teacher naturalist for NJ Audubon’s Lorrimer Sanctuary. He kept a nature blog (now retired) which documented local hikes along with flora and fauna for many years. Mike’s hobby is documenting the flora of local nature preserves including the Celery Farm.

Contact Mike LeFebvre njurbanforest@hotmail.com to let him know to expect you. Rain date Sunday, April 20.

May 18, 2025, Sunday, 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Spring Migration at the Celery Farm

Prothonotary Warbler Prothonotary Warbler

Whether you’re new to bird watching or have decades of experience under your belt, join us for a birding walk at the Celery Farm as we see what spring migrants are passing through! While the main focus will be on birding and bird identification, we’ll also discuss bird conservation and the ecology behind this incredible movement of wildlife through our area. Open to all levels of experience.

Meet at the end of Green Way. Contact Ryan Griffin ryangriff56@gmail.com as a courtesy to let him know to expect you. Rain date: Sunday, May 25.

June 14, 2025, Saturday

44nd Anniversary of the 1981 Celery Farm Dedication

June 21, 2025, Saturday, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Invasive and Introduced Species Walk

Mugwort Mugwort

Invasive and introduced species are everywhere you look — even at the Celery Farm. On this walk we will look at some of the most common invasive species in our area and how to identify them. We will also discuss what an invasive species is, why they are considered such a serious environmental threat, and what people at the Celery Farm and beyond are doing to protect and restore native biodiversity. Once you learn about invasive species, it will forever change how you take a hike!

Meet at the end of Green Way. Contact Ryan Griffin ryangriff56@gmail.com as a courtesy to let him know to expect you. Rain date: Sunday, June 22.

July 19, 2025, Saturday, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Introduction to Plant Identification

cardinal flower Cardinal Flower

For those wanting to learn more about how to start identifying the plants they see around them (it can be a very daunting thing when you don’t know how to start!) This walk would be a beginner-friendly, no experience needed introduction to how to look at plants and what traits to focus on when trying to identify them. We will focus on some easy-to-learn trees, wildflowers, and ferns to introduce basic concepts and hopefully inspire people to look more closely at plants.

Meet at the end of Green Way. Contact Ryan Griffin ryangriff56@gmail.com as a courtesy to let him know to expect you. Rain date: Sunday, July 20.

August 24, 2025, Sunday, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Late Summer Plant Walk

New York Ironweed New York Ironweed

The dog days of summer are some of the best times to look at native plants! Join us as we look at the wildflowers (and other plants) of the Celery Farm and admire some late season pollinators as well!

Meet at the end of Green Way. Contact Ryan Griffin ryangriff56@gmail.com as a courtesy to let him know to expect you. Rain date: Sunday, August 31.

Every Sunday 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM

Hour on the Tower


Everyone is invited to join with the group of regulars who keep a list of every species of bird they can identify over the course of one hour at the Celery Farm. It's a good way to improve your birding skills and catch up on Celery Farm news. Beginners are welcome. The location may shift between the Pirie-Mayhood Tower platform on the east side of Lake Appert and the Warden's Watch platform near the Franklin Turnpike parking area. Contact Julie McCall to find out where to meet up.

Self-Directed Exploration Open to Fyke Members

North Harpersfield Property

George Rand and Pamela Ryder invite Fyke members to visit 135 acres of forest, field, stream, and pond in upstate NY. Please download and print this document,which contains essential information you must read before your visit, including directions, contact numbers, waiver, lodging, and area attractions. You will also want to download and print this map of the property and this release and waiver document.


February 5 & 31 and February 8, 2025
Wednesday and Saturday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Invasives Clearing

Invasives Clearing Area Invasives Clearing Area Map

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had another very productive week clearing out more Phragmites, creating new trails for access, and freeing even more natives! If you haven’t been to Celery Farm in a while, you are definitely in for a happy surprise.

This week we will be having two volunteer opportunities Wednesday and Saturday. We will be completing the clearing of invasives around the native dogwoods and cattails along the west side of the trail (see the "X" on the map image).

Bring boots and dress warmly. Gloves and eye protection will be provided. Park on Green Way (see P on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

January 29 & 31 and February 2, 2025
Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Invasives Clearing

Invasives Clearing Area Invasives Clearing Area Map

Hope everyone had a great weekend! We had another very productive day today clearing out more Phragmites, creating new trails for access, and freeing even more natives. It has been truly amazing!!!

This week we will be having three volunteer opportunities Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. We have about two more months before Spring to save as many natives as we can and prep for mass planting this year.

We will be completing the clearing of invasives around the native dogwoods and cattails along the west side of the trail (see the "X" on the map image).

Bring boots and dress warmly. Gloves and eye protection will be provided. Park on Green Way (see P on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

February 1, 2025, Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Celery Farm Winter Walk

Shagbark Hickory Shagbark Hickory

Sponsored by the Bergen/Passaic Chapter of the Native Plant Society of New Jersey. Meet at the Celery Farm Green Way entrance.

Join us for a winter walk at the Celery Farm. Mike Lefebvre will talk about tree identification in the winter. We may even see some Skunk Cabbage starting to come up!

Mike Lefebvre is a naturalist who has led Plant ID Walks and Talks for the Fyke Nature Association, Friends of the Bonsal Preserve (Montclair) the Friends of the NJ School of Conservation (Stokes State Forest), Ridgewood Wildscape, and Bergen County Audubon Society. He is the Publicity Chairperson for the Fyke Nature Association and currently working as a teacher naturalist for NJ Audubon’s Lorrimer Sanctuary. He kept a nature blog (now retired) which documented local hikes along with flora and fauna for many years. Mike’s hobby is documenting the flora of local nature preserves including the Celery Farm.

January 26, 2025, Sunday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Invasives Clearing

Invasives Clearing Area Invasives Clearing Area Map

We will be completing the clearing of invasives around the native dogwoods and cattails along the west side of the trail (see the "X" on the map image).

Bring boots and dress warmly. Gloves and eye protection will be provided. Park on Green Way (see P below).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

January 20, 2025, Monday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Tree Rehabilitation / Invasives Clearing

Invasives Clearing Area Invasives Clearing Area Map

We will be completing the clearing of invasives around the native dogwoods along the west side of the trail (see the "X" on the map image).

Bring boots and dress warmly. Gloves and eye protection will be provided. Park on Green Way (see P on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

January 19, 2025, Sunday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Wetland Managment / Trail Maintenance

Allendale Brook Culvert Map Allendale Brook Culvert Map

Join us this Sunday, Jan 19, from 12-3pm as we work to clear the opening to a culvert and repurpose the rocks to build up the trail.

Park in the main parking lot on Franklin Tpke. We will be working near the culvert and on the trail near the entrance (see the "X" on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

Invasives Clearing Area Invasives Clearing Area Map

Update:Due to the weather, we will be completing the clearing of invasives around the native dogwoods along the west side of the trail (see the "X" on the map image).

Bring boots and dress warmly. Gloves and eye protection will be provided. Park on Green Way (see P below).

January 17, 2025, Friday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Tree Rehabilitation / Invasives Removal

Green Way Meadow Map Green Way Meadow Map

All are welcome to help out with more invasive removal and freeing our natives. If you are available and want to have some fun, Christian will be behind the Green Way Meadow working from 12-3pm.

Park by the Celery Farm Green Way entrance and find us behind the Green Way Meadow (see the "X" on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

January 12, 2025, Sunday, 11:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Tree Rehabilitation / Invasives Removal

Green Way Meadow map Green Way Meadow Map

Dress warmly and get ready to save some mature, native trees from invasive, asiatic bittersweet vines!

Park by the Celery Farm Green Way entrance and find us behind the Green Way Meadow (see the "X" on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

January 10, 2025, Friday, 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Native Plant Rehabilitation / Invasives Removal

No Name Culvert Map No Name Culvert Map

The volunteers had a great December saving native trees and shrubs from imminent death due to invasive overgrowth. The debris was reused to build habitats.

Park by the Celery Farm Green Way entrance and proceed to the No Name Culvert section of the trail around Lake Appert (see the "X" on the map image).

Contact Frank Alcaide to let him know you are coming.

December 14, 2024, Saturday

Christmas Bird Count

Fyke CBC Map

Co-compilers Lisa and Rob Fanning

The annual Ramsey Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be held Saturday, December 14, 2024 as part of Audubon’s 125th CBC. Eight separate team circles will combine to cover a 15-mile diameter circle centered on Lake Erskine, including all or part of Ramsey, Mahwah, Allendale, Wyckoff, Franklin Lakes, Oakland, Wayne, Pompton Lakes, Bloomingdale, Ringwood, West Milford, Greenwood Lake, Tuxedo, Hillburn, Sloatsburg and Suffern. Roundup will be virtual once again.

If you would like to participate in the Ramsey count, email fyke@fykenature.org for more information.

Or to participate in the Hackensack/Ridgewood count email Dave Hall david.hall@einsteinmed.edu.

Or to participate in the Teaneck Creek Conservancy count email Don Torino greatauk4@gmail.com.

October 19, 2023, Saturday, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Ducks at Dusk at the Celery Farm

Gather at the Warden's Watch platform with Mike Limatola at this annual event. It's a wonderful time to see migrating waterfowl. Rain date: Sunday, October 20.

October 13, 2024, Sunday, All Day

The Big Sit! at the Celery Farm

The Big Sit! is an annual, international, noncompetitive birding event. Our team, The Celery Stalkers, sits in a circle 17 feet in diameter for 24 hours counting all the bird species we see or hear. The center of our circle is the Pirie-Mayhood Tower. Observations can only be made within the 17-foot circle. If a bird is seen or heard from within the circle but is too distant to identify, you may leave the circle to get a closer look. Any new bird species seen or heard while out of the circle cannot be counted unless it is seen or heard by someone in the circle, or you see it again when you return to the circle.

To sign up for a 2–3-hour team, contact Carol Flanagan, carolflana@aol.com

September 21 and 22, Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Native Plant Garden Open Door Days

Cardinal Flower Cardinal Flower

Visit the volunteers who are planting Cardinal Flower, Lizards Tail, New York Aster, and Swamp Sunflower in the East Side Native Plant Garden this weekend, adding to the variety of flowers that were planted there in the spring.

The garden is located on the east side main trail around Lake Appert. Here is the approximate location shown on Google maps. It is about a quarter mile from the Franklin Turnpike parking area and from the entrance at the end of Green Way.

If you would like to volunteer, contact Frank Alcaide mrfranciscoalcaide@gmail.com.

August 31, 2024, Saturday, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Ramapo College Students Work Day

Ramapo LIS Ramapo LIS Ramapo LIS Ramapo LIS Ramapo LIS

The Ramapo College Leaders In Service group showed up in numbers and got down and dirty clearing the massive debris jam at the Franklin Turnpike parking lot bridge and several other large log and stick jams upstream, which were hindering proper water flow.

Keeping the preserve's waterways clear of debris moves water out of the preserve quickly, preventing sediment from building up and reducing flooding.

July 20, 2023, Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Open House at the East Side Native Plant Garden

Open House July 20 Open House

The volunteers who planted the East Side Native Plant Garden at the Celery Farm this spring are hosting an Open House, inviting visitors inside the exclosure fence that is protecting the plants from the deer while they get established. You will get a chance to see the native plants up close and converse with the volunteers, asking any questions that you may have about the plants and the ongoing habitat restoration projects at the Celery Farm.

The foxglove beardtongue blooms are past, but you can see swamp milkweed, blue lobelia, blue vervain, and narrow leaf mountain mint flowers.

The garden is located along the main trail on the east side of Lake Appert. Here is the approximate location shown on Google maps. It is about a quarter mile from the Franklin Turnpike parking area and from the entrance at the end of Green Way.

Frank Alcaide is the Native Plant Garden Volunteer Coordinator this summer. You may send an email to Frank mrfranciscoalcaide@gmail.com to let him know to expect you, but it is not required. Feel free to drop in. Rain Date Sunday, July 21.

July 14, 2023, Sunday, 10:30 AM

Butterfly Walk at the Celery Farm

Buckeye Buckeye

The Fyke Nature Association's annual Celery Farm Butterfly Walk is held in memory of Tom Burr, the late Fyke member, naturalist, photographer, and friend. Meet at the end of Green Way at 10:30 a.m. for a 90-minute stroll. Here is the Google Map location. Dress for bright sun. Bring water and sunscreen. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Sponsored by the Fyke Nature Association and the Lee Memorial Library. This event is free.

Fred Weber maintains the Green Way Meadow for pollinators. Mid-July is the peak time for butterflies. To register, email Fred fweber7268@gmail.com to let him know to expect you.

You can brush up on your butterfly ID skills here on our website and you can even keep a record of the butterflies and other insects you see here using the Winged Insects Checklist.

June 29, 2024, Saturday, 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Discover the Plants of the Celery Farm

Buttonbush Buttonbush

Enjoy finding early summer wildflowers and other plants. Meet at the end of Green Way.

Mike Lefebvre is a naturalist who has led Plant ID Walks and Talks for the Fyke Nature Association, Friends of the Bonsal Preserve (Montclair) the Friends of the NJ School of Conservation (Stokes State Forest) and Bergen County Audubon Society. He is the Publicity Chairperson for the Fyke Nature Association and currently working as a teacher naturalist for NJ Audubon’s Lorrimer Sanctuary. He kept a nature blog (now retired) which documented local hikes along with flora and fauna for many years. Mike’s hobby is documenting the flora of local nature preserves including the Celery Farm.

Contact Mike LeFebvre njurbanforest@hotmail.com to let him know to expect you. Rain date Sunday, June 30.

You can take a quiz on some of the plants of the Celery Farm here on our website.

June 14, 2024, Thursday

43rd Anniversary of the 1981 Celery Farm Dedication

May 4-5, 2024, Saturday and Sunday

Stepping Up For The Celery Farm

Our annual fundraiser is based on the number of bird species observed over a two day period by citizen-scientists like you. To sign up for the count, please contact Gabriele Schmitt at gaby413@aol.com.

      Fyke Bittern Logo   Fyke Bittern Logo   Fyke Bittern Logo   Fyke Bittern Logo

Pledges per species can be emailed to our Treasurer, Kurt Muenz, at elkumu@aceweb.com or mailed to:

Fyke Nature Association
PO Box 141, Ramsey. NJ 07446

Stepping Up For The Celery Farm Pledge Form – 2023

Yes, I want to support Stepping Up For The Celery Farm by making a pledge per bird species seen over the two day period. I understand that 65 to 93 species have been recorded, however, the total could be higher if conditions are ideal.

My pledge is: __$1/species __$.75/species __$.50/species __$.25/species $___/species


