The Fyke Email List
Fyke has created a group which enables members to stay up-to-date with the latest sightings from the Celery Farm and other Fyke news as an email list service. The group's home page is at https://groups.io/g/fykenature
To join the list, send an email to fykenature+owner@groups.io. Provide your name, street address and indicate your reason(s) for wanting to join the list, e.g. I'm a Fyke member; I used to be a Fyke member but have moved out of the North Jersey Area
If approved you'll receive an invitation to join from groups.io. Accept that invitation and await confirmation. Once confirmed you'll receive posts by email and will be able to contribute posts.
Existing list members who change their email address should inform the administrator by email to fykenature+owner@groups.io