By-laws of the Fyke Nature Association

REVISED February, 1995 / September, 1999 / April 2014

Click here to read The Fyke Nature Association Land Trust

The name of the Association shall be - FYKE NATURE ASSOCIATION.

The objectives of the Association shall be:

a. The common study and enjoyment of natural history.
b. To encourage the friendly association of its members in their mutual interest in natural history.
c. To stimulate interest in the preservation of wildlife.
d. To take all proper and reasonable action in the cause of wildlife conservation in general and in the maintenance of the Celery Farm Natural Area in Allendale, N.J., in particular.

Any person shall be eligible for membership provided he/she has an active interest or is in sympathy with the objectives of the Association.

3.1 (REVISED September, 1999) Annual membership dues shall be determined by the Board and approved by the General Membership. There shall be three classifications of membership: Family, Single and Honorary. Family and Single Memberships require annual payment of dues to the Association. Honorary Memberships shall be conferred at the discretion of the Board.

3.3 The membership year shall run from September 1 through August 31. Dues shall be paid at the September meeting of the Association. Notice that dues are to be paid shall be included in the Spring Newsletter. The Treasurer shall notify all delinquent members with the November Newsletter if dues have not been paid by that time. If dues are not received by the December meeting, membership privileges shall be forfeited.

(REVISED April, 2014) The Officers shall be: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer. Officers shall serve 2-year terms. Election of officers shall be held at the Annual Meeting and those elected shall take office at the next regular meeting. The duties of officers shall be:

President: To preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board and to appoint all committee chairs.

1st Vice President: To assist the President in such manner as he/she may request, to perform the duties of President in his/her absence and to be Conservation Chair with the responsibility of coordinating all conservation activities of the Association.

2nd Vice President: To assist the President in such manner as he/she may request, to perform the duties of President in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President, and to be Program Chair with the responsibility for arranging all programs for the regular meetings.

Recording Secretary: To keep the minutes and be responsible for the records of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. The Recording Secretary shall also perform such other secretarial duties as the Board may direct.

Corresponding Secretary: To be responsible for all correspondence and to notify Executive Board members of Board meetings.

Treasurer: To receive all money payable to the Association and to pay all bills as directed by the Executive Board. Bills for delinquent dues shall be mailed in accordance with Article 3.

The Treasurer shall make a financial report at each Board meeting.

The Treasurer shall prepare a budget of committee expenditures from dues and other income. The budget shall be presented at the April regular meeting for approval by the members of the Association. Expenditures of $150.00 or more in excess of the provisions of the budget must be approved by the Association membership.

The Treasurer shall make a Financial Report at the annual meeting to the members of the Association.

Surplus funds shall be set aside in insured savings accounts.

Trustees: There shall be three trustees at all times. The term of each trustee shall run for three years and one trustee shall be elected at each annual election of officers.

It shall be the responsibility of the trustees to regulate the use of any funds which may be set aside from the regular budget for special purposes. Expenditure from any such funds must be recommended by at least two of the trustees and must be approved by at least two thirds of the membership present at a meeting following action by the trustees, provided that written notice of such action is given to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which their approval is to be requested.

Any real property which the Association may acquire shall be supervised by the trustees.

The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the Association and the Standing Committee Chairs.

The retiring President shall remain a member of the Board until his/her successor retires.

It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to plan and regulate the business of the Association.

The Executive Board shall meet monthly prior to each regular meeting or at the call of the President,
or any two members of the Board. Five members of the Board shall represent a quorum.

Standing committees shall consist of:
Field Trip
and any others deemed necessary by the President.

The President shall appoint a nominating committee in January to present a slate of officers at the March meeting for the consideration of the membership, and to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in April. Additional nominations of officers may be made and seconded by the membership in the presence of the nominee(s) and with their acceptance.

Committee Chairs may request the assistance of such other members as they may deem necessary to properly fulfill their duties. It shall be the duty of the President and other members of the Executive Board to encourage active participation by as many members as possible in committee activities.

The members of the Association shall meet in the Wyckoff Public Library or at any other suitable place on the 4th Friday of each month at 8:00 P.M.

Meetings shall be held in January, February, March, April, May, September, October and the first Friday of December, except that in case of emergency, the President may move the meeting date as required. Members must be notified one week in advance of the revised meeting date. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board or two trustees provided that at least 30 days notice of such meeting is given in writing to the membership.

The April meeting shall be the Annual Meeting.

The official publication of the Association shall be called, "Fyke Nature Association Newsletter".

It shall be published four (4) times a year in September, November, February and April, for distribution to all members in good standing, prior to the regular meeting.

It shall be the responsibility of the Newsletter Chair to provide, in the Newsletter, important information on the activities of the Association, such as schedules of meetings, programs, field trips, and business of the Association such as budget news, election of officers, etc. In order to make the Newsletter interesting to its readers, and to enhance the prestige of the Association, it should also include timely nature or conservation topics and news about the activities of members.

The By-Laws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds majority of members present provided written notice is given in writing to the membership at least 30 days prior to time of voting, and a quorum is present.

A quorum of the Association shall be 30 members in good standing.

All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.

Mike Limatola, Jim Wright, John Brotherton, Penny Whitlock, and Mimi Brauch.